PerlModule Apache::DBI PerlModule Zymonic::Decryptor::MP PerlModule Apache2::Reload PerlInitHandler Apache2::Reload PerlSetEnv ZZStartSystems SYSTEM1,SYSTEM2 PerlSetEnv ZZhostname localhost # Set the below variable to your server's sha256 certficate fingerprint if you wish to do decryptor # comms in https and the hostname on your certificate does not match the hostname above. # PerlSetEnv ZZfingerprint sha256$F0:A0:55:C4:43:63:DC:DD:4F:47:8D:24:51:BA:9D:7D:C5:E8:44:EB:11:18:B4:73:E5:78:C3:37:2D:04:67:21 PerlSetVar ReloadAll Off PerlSetVar ReloadModules "Zymonic Zymonic::*" PerlPostConfigHandler Zymonic::Decryptor::MP::post_config SetHandler modperl PerlHandler Zymonic::Decryptor::MP Order deny,allow Deny from all Allow from