1) cd to [zymonic working copy]/modules/Zymonic 2) sudo perl Makefile.PL && sudo make install 3) cd to [zymonic working copy]/modules/MANIFESTS 4) sudo perl Makefile.PL && sudo make install 5) For each additional repository desired, checkout the working copy, locate the MANIFESTS subdirectory and do sudo perl Makefile.PL && sudo make install - note the base name (i.e. filename with no directory or .pm extension) of the file in MANIFESTS/lib/Zymonic/Manifest/ that ends with _manifests.pm - should also be documented in the MANIFESTS/README file. 6a) sudo zymonic_toolkit_curses.pl Installer - then select 'Installer -> install' from the menu, populate the manifests field with a comma separated list with no spaces of core, core_manifest and all of the _manifest files identified in 5 e.g. core,core_manifests,medoc_manifests,zednax_manifests - populate the remainder of options as appropriate for your server. 6b) If you do not have curses or don't wish to use it then do; sudo zymonic_toolkit.pl Installer install --manifests [ list of manifests e.g. core,core_manifests,medoc_manifests,zednax_manifests ] 7) Under guidance from your supplier/developer install the remaining needed manifests, create and config build a system and then build the documentation for it - the Installer/updater command is further documented in the full documentation.