#!/usr/bin/perl -w # # Zymonic Business Process and Information Management System # Copyright Zednax Limited 2008 - # For Authors and Changelog see the subversion history # error handling BEGIN { use Zymonic::Utils qw(death_handler clean get_array); $main::SIG{__DIE__} = \&death_handler; } # Modules use Zymonic; use Zymonic::Config; use HTML::Entities qw(encode_entities_numeric); $Zymonic::system = ''; $Zymonic::session = ''; $Zymonic::system = clean( shift @ARGV, '_' ) || ''; my @table_fields = map { my @data = split( /\./, $_ ); { table => $data[0], field => $data[1] } } split( /,/, shift @ARGV ); my $fake = shift @ARGV || ''; unless ( $Zymonic::system && @table_fields ) { print "Usage: update_db_for_html_fields.pl [system] [table.field, ...] [fake flag]\n" . "\t system - zymonic system to act on\n" . "\t table.field - zname of the table and field to update data for, can have multiple entries, comma seperated\n" . "\t fake flag - if set then will output the changes and not update the DB\n"; exit(0); } $Zymonic::ZCONFIG{$Zymonic::system} = Zymonic::Config->new( system_name => $Zymonic::system, config_dir => "/etc/zymonic", ip_address => '', protocol => 'http' ); my $db = $Zymonic::ZCONFIG{$Zymonic::system}->{DB}; update_table_field( $_->{table}, $_->{field} ) for @table_fields; exit(0); # function to update a specific table field sub update_table_field { my $table_zname = shift; my $field_zname = shift; # lookup field names and keyfields my $table_def = $Zymonic::ZCONFIG{$Zymonic::system}->get_def( 'Table', $table_zname ); my $field_def = $Zymonic::ZCONFIG{$Zymonic::system}->get_def( 'Field', $field_zname ); my $table_name = $Zymonic::ZCONFIG{$Zymonic::system}->get_sql_name($table_def); my $field_name = $Zymonic::ZCONFIG{$Zymonic::system}->get_sql_name($field_def); my @keyfields = map { $_->{FieldName}->{content} } grep { $_->{UniqueKey} && $_->{UniqueKey}->{content} eq 'true' } get_array( $table_def->{Key} ); # find records to update my $records = $db->run_query( { string => 'SELECT ' . join( ', ', @keyfields, $field_name ) . " FROM $table_name WHERE ($field_name LIKE '%<%>%' OR $field_name LIKE '%&;t;%>%') AND $field_name NOT LIKE '%

%'", params => [] } ); my $record_count = @{$records}; print "Updating $field_zname ($field_name) in $table_zname ($table_name) - found $record_count record(s)\n"; # update each records update_table_field_record( $table_name, $field_name, \@keyfields, $_ ) for @{$records}; } # function to update a specific record fields in a table sub update_table_field_record { my $table_name = shift; my $field_name = shift; my $keyfields = shift; my $record = shift; my @keyfields = @{$keyfields}; # grab data and find xml within it my $data = $record->{$field_name}; my $data_with_xml = update_contained_xml($data); my $updated_data = post_process_for_html($data_with_xml); # update the record if ($fake) { print "\tUpdated record " . join( ', ', map { $_ . ' = ' . $record->{$_} } @keyfields ) . ":\n\tData:\n$data\n\n\tUpdated:\n$updated_data\n\n---------\n\n"; } else { if ( $updated_data && $updated_data ne $data ) { my $result = $db->run_statement( { string => "UPDATE $table_name SET $field_name = ? WHERE " . join( ' AND ', map { "$_ = ?" } @keyfields ), params => [ $updated_data, map { $record->{$_} } @keyfields ] } ); print "\tUpdated record " . join( ', ', map { $_ . ' = ' . $record->{$_} } @keyfields ) . " - $result\n"; } } } # function to convert xml into xml with pre tag sub update_contained_xml { my $data = shift; my $recursing = shift || ''; # some quick checks first unless ($recursing) { # remove
as the

will give line breaks $data =~ s///gm; } my @updated_data_chunks = (); if ( $data =~ /(.*)(<.*?>.*<\/.*?>)(.*)/ms ) { # unencoded xml my ( $before, $raw_xml, $after ) = ( $1, $2, $3 ); # xml is unencoded, encode it and wrap in pre tag my $xml = '

' . encode_entities_numeric($raw_xml) . '
'; # add to list, encoding the before and after parts also push( @updated_data_chunks, update_contained_xml( $before, 'recursing' ), $xml, update_contained_xml( $after, 'recursing' ) ); } elsif ( $data =~ /(.*)(<.*?>.*<\/.*?>)(.*)/ms ) { # encoded xml my ( $before, $raw_xml, $after ) = ( $1, $2, $3 ); # xml is already encoded, so just wrap in pre tag my $xml = '
' . $raw_xml . '
'; # add to list, encoding the before and after parts also push( @updated_data_chunks, update_contained_xml( $before, 'recursing' ), $xml, update_contained_xml( $after, 'recursing' ) ); } elsif ( $data =~ /(.*)(<[-a-zA-Z="'\._].*[-a-zA-Z="'\._]\/?>)(.*)/ms ) { # unencoded xml tags my ( $before, $raw_tags, $after ) = ( $1, $2, $3 ); # tags are unencoded, encode them and wrap in pre tag my $tags = '
' . encode_entities_numeric($raw_tags) . '
'; # add to list, encoding the before and after parts also push( @updated_data_chunks, update_contained_xml( $before, 'recursing' ), $tags, update_contained_xml( $after, 'recursing' ) ); } elsif ( $data =~ /(.*)(<[-a-zA-Z="'\._<>].*[-a-zA-Z="'\._<>]\/?>)(.*)/ms ) { # encoded xml tags my ( $before, $raw_tags, $after ) = ( $1, $2, $3 ); # tags are already encoded, so just wrap in pre tag my $tags = '
' . $raw_tags . '
'; # add to list, encoding the before and after parts also push( @updated_data_chunks, update_contained_xml( $before, 'recursing' ), $tags, update_contained_xml( $after, 'recursing' ) ); } if (@updated_data_chunks) { return join( "\n", grep { $_ !~ /^

<\/p>$/m } @updated_data_chunks ); } else { # remove any excess space $data =~ s/^\s*//gm; $data =~ s/\s*$//gm; return "


"; } } # function to add helpful HTML snippets sub post_process_for_html { my $data = shift; # convert URLs to links $data =~ s/(https?:\/\/.*)(?:[\s<])/$1<\/a>/gm; # check for lists if ( my @ul_lists = $data =~ /^(\*\s+[^\*]*)$//gms; # wrap in list item and remove the old bullet point my $replacement = '
  • ' . $ul_lists[$i] . "
  • \n"; $replacement =~ s/\*\s+//gms; # surround with ul tags if ( $i == 0 ) { $replacement = "\n"; } # add in place $data =~ s/\Q$ul_lists[$i]\E/$replacement/; } } return $data; }